Laurent Thomas aka

European Communities Fellow

I've completed a Doctorat es Sciences in Computer Sciences at CRIN (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy, FRANCE) in 1992, under the direction of Prof. J.-C. Derniame. I'm currently doing a Post-Doc in the Yonezawa Lab at the University of Tokyo for 2 years under a Science and Technology Fellowship of the European Union. I will leave on February 1995. My main research interest is :

Concurrency and Object-Oriented Programming

Concurrency in Object-Oriented Languages seems natural . However well known problems arise when we try to define such concurrent object oriented languages. These problems deal with the interferences between expressing true concurrency inside objects and expressing re-use through inheritance.

A general paper

An object-oriented concurrent language for extensibility and reuse of synchronization components

Laurent THOMAS

17 pages.

Concurrency in Object Oriented Languages seems natural. However well known problems arise when we try to define such concurrent object oriented languages. These problems deal with the interferences between expressing true concurrency inside objects and expressing re-use. This article presents a concurrent object model and illustrates through various examples how it solves these interferences.

A link to some of my papers

Contact Information

c/o Yonezawa Lab.
Department of Information Science. 
Faculty  of Science. University of Tokyo.   
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113,  Japan 
Fax: +81-3-5689-4365

Why don't you drop me a mail?

As a fellow from the European Union, I'm involved in

The Scientific European Program Alumni Association

European Fellows in Japan have created SEP Doo-Soo-Kai (SEP stands for Scientific Exchange Programme, and Doo-Soo-Kai is a Japanese word meaning a graduates' association or an alumni foundation).

Some stuff

I'm also interested in String Matching Algorithms and some other stuff. Follow the link.
Yonezawa Lab Main Page