
httpget: http file retriever (renewal version)

httpget is a easy-portable Perl script which downloads files via http and ftp. MN128-SOHO Controller is command-line controller for ISDN-router MN128-SOHO (NTT-TE).

ext-jfonts.sty: Japanese font extension package for pTeX

This package provides support for PostScript additional Japanese fonts (FutoGo, FutoMin, Jun) on ASCII pTeX.

Fonts for draft JISx0213

ext-resource.el: External Resource Referrer for Emacs/19

With ext-resource.el, you can refer any URL embedded on any text, electric mail, news article, and so on.

Files: at File Pool

italk.el: Italk client for Mule/2.3

italk client works on Mule/2.3.

Files: at File Pool
Reference: italk1 unofficial homepage (Japanese)

italk.l: Italk client for xyzzy

italk client works on xyzzy.

Files: at File Pool
Reference: italk1 unofficial homepage (Japanese)

Trial for Asynchronous DNS name resolving

When we make some network server program with single process, blocking semantics of name resolver is problematic. I currently trying to make asynchronous name resolving library on the basis of BIND named resolver routines. Currently, some test programs is running successfully. The library (maybe) coming soon...

dosemu-*-jp*.tar.gz: dosemu Japanese Patch

Mr. Nakayama has released the patch which can be applied to dosemu 0.99's.

This patch enables Japanese environment within ``xdos'' window of dosemu.

This Patch is originally written by Takeshi Sone <>.

version to patch: BUG: I forgot to include ank16tobdf.c into the distributions. Please get it from File Pool.

Files: at File Pool